Miss Avery is ONE!!!
Miss Avery is ONE!!! This was my first session back from maternity leave. I cannot tell you how excited I was to be back photographing these adorable kids We met at a beautiful park in Johns Creek. The weather was absolutely perfect too!
Avery, her big brother Luke, and big sister Addison were too cute together. I loved my evening with them! I brought my 6 week old newborn Ryan as my “assistant” to the session and Avery NEEDED to have him. It was the most precious thing ever. Mom snuggled Ryan while I did the shoot. Then every time she walked away, Avery would reach her arms out and squeal for them to come back. At first we thought Miss Avery just wanted mom but later figured out she has a baby obsession. Might be time for baby Adams #4 ??? Right Amber?
Adams family, I had a blast with your children and hope that you enjoy these images! Happy 1st Birthday Avery!!!
Project 365 | February 1-15, 2015 | Johns Creek, GA Family Lifestyle Photographer
February has started out wonderfully... such a magical time with our new tiny baby.
love these little boys
First visit to Dr. Harbaugh! Jack got to be the big brother helper
Ryan's baby quilt from Gran and Poppy
Newborn session round 1
One of the rare awake moments of these early days
Faces of the day:
Ryan's in between more newborn photos
Jack's as he prepares his Jake valentines for school
Valentine sweetheart lunch with my big boy. And his sweet answers about mommy:)
little assistant loving his camera
Happy Valentine's Day from our little loves
All the tiny details.
Yes, Jack rides his tricycle in the house:) But the best part is when he takes toys for a ride. On this day it was his "Elmo Friends."
Pre naptime snuggles.
sweet baby face
It's so hard to make yourself get in front of the camera when you're the one making the pictures happen. When my mom was in town to help, I was determined to get some shots with my boys. As moms, we may not love how we look (especially after giving birth!) but I know when I look back on these, I will be so thankful that I got in the frame. This is already one of my favorite photos so far this year.
Learning to take the paci. We had these elephant wubbanubs with jack, so had to stock up on some new one for Ryan.
Had to capture our favorite newborn outfit of Ryan's before this big boy outgrows it!
Goofy face before school on an almost snow day.
Ryan's first "snow." I guess we should call it his first snowfall since nothing ended up sticking over here.
newborn baby boy | Atlanta Newborn Photographer
Newborn session overload of our tiny new Ryan!
At over 9 pounds, he's one of the biggest newborns that I've worked with. I thought maybe that would help him sleep deeper but no so much! He was pretty particular about which poses he would go into so I ended up spreading out my time to take his photos over a few days- the benefit and also the downside of having my own newborn model:) I kept wanting to do more! Ryan also was not a fan of the hats or being swaddled tightly but I did end up getting all the shots I wanted- hats and poses. Here are some of my favorites... (and I am still working on our lifestyle and family photos!)...
Project 365 | Week 4 | January 22-31, 2015 | Johns Creek, GA Lifestyle Family Photographer
Such an exciting and what felt like an incredibly loooooooong week! The days leading up to the birth of Ryan and our first couple days with him. My c section was originally scheduled for the 26th but our dr (who we love!), ended up traveling to see his first grand baby so we postponed until he got back. Baby and I held out but it really made this feel like the longest week ever.
Jack's preschool celebrates summer birthdays as half birthdays so Jack got to have a 1/2 birthday party on this day:) He was so excited and cute about getting to have a "party" and cupcakes. My friend Collette at Shaddy Cakes made the cupcakes with a cake flavor of cookies n cream. So yummy, everyone wanted more! And almost a month later, Jack is still talking about this day.
We gave jack this umbrella for Christmas and it is arguably his favorite present ever. He has also always been all about his rain boots and coat so on this rainy day I decided to take him to a local park for some puddle jumping. He only made it through this one jump and then was too upset that his pants and socks got wet. We'll have to do this more often!
Jack asks to read about baby brother every night. This Berenstein Bears book is one of his favorites!
On the lookout for Captain Hook!
"Double Tickles"
Part of the "night night go go daddy" routine that's been going on for almost 2 years on John's nights to put jack down. They have a long list of made up games that they play on our bed on these nights that produce lots of squeals and giggles!
One of Jack's frequent requests is to visit Whole Foods...its all about that cart and shopping for his foods.
Jack's big boy room!
The finished half of baby's native american themed nursery. Bedding made by my mom and teepees made with the help of Jack. We'll show the other half before too long!
1:36pm: our hearts and family grew to welcome this little love.
Ryan Lee Orton
9lbs 3oz | 20.5 in
More love every day.
one year old boy photos | Atlanta Family Photographer
This little boy couldn't have been more adorable for his one year photos! I've met his momma through a mutual friend and have gotten to know her a little bit through social events. I was thrilled when she contacted me about a session for Jackson and the rest of the family.
We met on a perfectly sunny afternoon and little guy was in a great mood and a joy to photograph. The rest of his family was so much fun and you can really see through these images that Jackson is one loved little boy.
C family, I hope these images captured your little love exactly how you want to remember him at this cute stage in his life. He is one lucky boy to have the love of so many wonderful people!
sleepy nine day old baby | Atlanta Newborn Photographer
This beautiful boy was a dream to photograph. When I arrived he was wide awake and fought falling asleep so hard. I could tell that he didn't want to miss out on whatever was going to happen with a visitor in his house! Once he settled into sleep, he slept so deeply and allowed me to move him into all kinds of adorable poses, wraps, and hats. It was a wonderful session. I loved photographing JD and loved getting to know his mama during this session!
Thank you Melanie and Nate for asking me to capture these precious early days of JD's life. He is a doll baby and I hope you enjoy watching him grow!
2014 Fall Mini Sessions | Johns Creek, Alpharetta, Roswell, GA Family Photographer
2014 Fall Mini Sessions are here!
Sunday evening, October 12th
Times available:
seven day old baby brother | Alpharetta Newborn Photographer
Little Maddox's session was just perfect! After our initial booking contact, we figured out that we have lots of mutual connections so I was very excited to meet this family. They were just as wonderful as I expected!
Big brother Logan and big sister Grace were as adorable as they could be. Logan told me all kinds of stories like we had known each other forever and sweet Grace snuggled in my lap during one of Maddox's feeding breaks. Not only that, but they were so proud of their new baby brother. I loved getting to know Erin and Paul and learning more about them.
R family, you are such a wonderful family and I thank you for the opportunity to capture your memories during the addition of your new family member. I hope you are continuing to enjoy life as a family of five!
four day old beautiful baby girl | Milton Newborn Photographer
Oh Miss Aubrey, you are such a beautiful baby! I could just snuggle her all the time. This family was wonderful and I loved getting to know them and capture their family during this exciting time. Big sister Ellie was adorable and so much fun. I absolutely loved my morning with them.
Congratulations on your beautiful new addition, S family! You have two beautiful girls and they are so lucky to have such awesome parents:)
precious baby boy | Roswell Newborn Photographer
I was thrilled when Danyella and Wes contacted me about a newborn session for their new precious boy, Lucas. I can't ever say enough about how the specialness of newborn sessions. It's such a sweet and fleeting time in a family's life and I'm always so honored to be asked to capture the makeup of a new family.
We had such a wonderful afternoon together, baby Lucas was as sweet as he could be and I loved getting to chat with his mom and dad during our breaks. I've known Danyella and her family for several years and they are such great people. I've met Wes a couple times so enjoyed this chance to get to know him and Danyella as a couple. They are already such great parents, Lucas is so lucky to have them!
Thank you so much, M family, for inviting me to photograph your beautiful newborn baby boy and new family of three:) I wish you nights full of sleep and days full of joy! You have so many fun times ahead of you with sweet Lucas.
adorable brother and sister | Johns Creek Child Photographer
How cute are these two kiddos?? They belong to some good friends of ours and I had so much fun capturing their busy and fun personalities on this sunny evening in March. Michael is 100% boy and loved throwing money in the water fountains, growling like a dinosaur/monster, and running & jumping all over the place! Miss Madeleine is absolutely adorable as you can see, with her piggie tails, cute little walk, and "so big" expressions.
Thank you for asking me to capture your beautiful kids this spring, G family! I had so much fun playing with Michael and Madeleine and capturing their little selves and big personalities. I hope you will enjoy these images for many years to come!
beautiful new addition | Johns Creek Baby Photographer
I can't say enough great things about this session and the beautiful family that you'll see here. I just love newborn sessions and this one was so much fun. And you will not believe how amazing this momma looks, just 8 days after giving birth! I'm so impressed.
Chelsey was a sorority sister of mine at Samford and she and her husband recently moved to Atlanta and to open their own location of Iron Tribe Fitness. I loved catching up with her, meeting her husband Chaz, hearing about their new business and of course, photographing their beautiful new addition Nora! Such a special family.
Nora was an absolute angel during our session. She slept, let us pose her sweetly, and took snuggle and eating breaks with mommy and daddy and then was ready to get back to work! I just love how the images turned out from our session.
Thank you, Tillman family, for allowing me to capture Nora during these precious, early days of her life! You have such a sweet and beautiful girl and she is so blessed to have you as parents! I wish you all the best during this magical time:)
one year old cake smash | Atlanta Baby Photographer
Happy 1st Birthday Millie!
This precious girl is the cutest ball of joy. Always cheerful and grinning, she was a great model! Big sister Claire is one of my son Jack's friends- he loves her and talks about her almost daily. Sweet kids.
Millie's session took place at her home and we made sure to get some sweet shots of the birthday girl, big sis, and the two of them together. It was a super fun morning. We ended the session with a cake smash where cake ended up everywhere! Even between Millie's toes:) I'd say it was a success!
Thank you, P family, for hiring me to capture Millie on her 1st birthday! Your girls are so sweet and I'm so thankful to have you all as friends!
one year old little guy | Atlanta Baby Photographer
Joseph, how in the world are you ONE?? Wasn't it just yesterday that we did your newborn session? Crazy how fast time flies.
I have absolutely LOVED being able to photograph this little guy during his first year of life. We did sessions when he was a newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and now one year. It has been a pleasure to watch him grow and see what new things he's doing at each stage. Joseph is such a precious and beautiful baby and his mom and dad are so loving and attentive, he's lucky to have them.
Thank you so much, Alicia and Josh, for hiring me to be Joseph's first year photographer. I can't begin to describe how much fun I've had at our sessions, how I've enjoyed getting to know you all, and how much I've loved seeing Joseph grow!
sweet little siblings | Alpharetta Family Photographer
I was so excited about this session for my friends the Gersters and hoped that we would get lucky and have a warm December session. Not so much, it was freezing!!!
We got some really sweet shots in the short time we were together but will be finishing this session on a warmer day. So look for more of this beautiful family soon!
9 month old cutie pie | milton family photographer
I can't say enough about how much I love this family! I have had the pleasure of photographing cutie pie Joseph when he was a newborn, at 3 months, 6 months, and now 9 months. It has been so fun to see how much he's grown at each milestone and I have really enjoyed getting to know his parents.
This little boy is so loved by his mommy and daddy and has such a precious personality that you can already see at just 9 months old. For this session, we met at a historic park and covered bridge in Ball Ground. Joseph's mommy always chooses beautiful locations and this one was no different. We had a great evening and I absolutely loved capturing Joseph at this stage of his sweet little life:)
Morning Routine & Kid in the Kitchen | Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Atlanta GA Lifestyle Photographer
My next installment for our lifestyle blog circle group!
I combined two of our topics since I missed last week and these two just worked together for me this time! Here's a glimpse at our morning routine and jack in the kitchen on a typical school morning.
Make sure to visit the websites of the rest of the ladies in our circle (links at bottom of post).
baby girl baptism | Atlanta Family Photographer
I had the pleasure of photographing Juliette's baptism last Saturday. It was a super fun session and a beautiful and meaningful service and I truly enjoyed being part of this day for the Rudolf family.
The Rudolf's are friends of a friend of mine and after talking with Cheri I realized that I had met her mom once before at a cookie swap last Christmas. They are an incredibly fun family and I totally felt welcome and like I was one of the guests on this important day. And Miss Juliette was the happiest baby ever- all I had to do was call her name and she would give me the hugest grin!:)
I love how all of the images turned out from the baptism and am honored that I was there to witness sweet Juliette's baptism. You have a beautiful family!
Thank you, Rudolf family, for asking me to capture this special day for you!
Johnson Family Session | Alpharetta, Milton, Johns Creek Family Photographer
The Johnsons are a family that we know from church and always enjoy their company. Through birthday parties and a Christmas eve party, we've met the whole extended family so I knew this would be a fun evening.
Mimmy and Poppy wanted to have the session at their amazing home which Poppy designed and built before he retired. It really is gorgeous and the perfect place for family photos. I couldn't have picked a better spot if I tried.
I seriously felt like I was part of the family during this session. Not only did we have the best time during the shoot, but I was invited to share dinner with them and hang out. And, not to mention, Mimmy is an amazing cook! It was a great night. One of the granddaughters even told me that I was the "funnest photographer ever" which is one of my favorite compliments ever!
Thank you, Johnsons, for allowing me to capture your beautiful family this year! I had the best time with you all.
Tub Play | Alpharetta Photographer, Atlanta Family Photographer
Our little guy LOVES bath time! One afternoon, we decided to let him have a go in the big tub in our master bath. He had a blast, of course. As you can see, there's a large mirror right above the tub. Jack used that to come up with this game... he would squat down in the tub, call "jaaaaackiiiieeee," and jump up and *surprise* himself. It was great fun for him and we love watching him come up with cute games on his own. We look forward to lots more "bathie" games with you, Jack!