Project 365 | Week 2 | January 7-14, 2015 | Johns Creek, Alpharetta, GA Family Photographer


8|365 Home Depot visit to pick out paint for baby brother's room

9|365 Rear view mirror cuteness

10|365 Contemplating mischief for the day

11|365 "The Monster at the End of This Book" is not so scary

12|365 One last mommy and Jackie outing...visiting the aquarium on Monday morning!

13|365 Garbage day is still so thrilling! But if they don't notice Jack watching and fail to honk at him, he gets very offended:/ This was a good day though, honks and waves all around!

14|365 Loving his new Jake toothbrush

If you missed week 1, check it out here: Project 365 | Week 1