Such an exciting and what felt like an incredibly loooooooong week! The days leading up to the birth of Ryan and our first couple days with him. My c section was originally scheduled for the 26th but our dr (who we love!), ended up traveling to see his first grand baby so we postponed until he got back. Baby and I held out but it really made this feel like the longest week ever.
Jack's preschool celebrates summer birthdays as half birthdays so Jack got to have a 1/2 birthday party on this day:) He was so excited and cute about getting to have a "party" and cupcakes. My friend Collette at Shaddy Cakes made the cupcakes with a cake flavor of cookies n cream. So yummy, everyone wanted more! And almost a month later, Jack is still talking about this day.
We gave jack this umbrella for Christmas and it is arguably his favorite present ever. He has also always been all about his rain boots and coat so on this rainy day I decided to take him to a local park for some puddle jumping. He only made it through this one jump and then was too upset that his pants and socks got wet. We'll have to do this more often!
Jack asks to read about baby brother every night. This Berenstein Bears book is one of his favorites!
On the lookout for Captain Hook!
"Double Tickles"
Part of the "night night go go daddy" routine that's been going on for almost 2 years on John's nights to put jack down. They have a long list of made up games that they play on our bed on these nights that produce lots of squeals and giggles!
One of Jack's frequent requests is to visit Whole Foods...its all about that cart and shopping for his foods.
Jack's big boy room!
The finished half of baby's native american themed nursery. Bedding made by my mom and teepees made with the help of Jack. We'll show the other half before too long!
1:36pm: our hearts and family grew to welcome this little love.
Ryan Lee Orton
9lbs 3oz | 20.5 in
More love every day.