Preschool Ballerinas | Johns Creek, Alpharetta, Atlanta, Dance Photographer

For the last 4 years, I have had the pleasure of teaching preschool ballet at our church as an after school elective for the preschool. Each year I have had such a wonderful group of little girls who are so sweet and enthusiastic about being beautiful ballerinas. And this year was no different! I had 7 cuties and we learned ballet through movement, balance exercises, basic ballet moves, and we even learned a couple dances (including a tap dance)!

Our end of year recital occurred this week and was a wonderful evening where we showed off everything that they've learned over the year. The girls were so excited to perform for their parents and I was so proud of the show that they put on! Before the show began, I took the opportunity to take some photos of the girls all dressed up for the big evening. Enjoy!
