precious baby boy | Roswell Newborn Photographer

I was thrilled when Danyella and Wes contacted me about a newborn session for their new precious boy, Lucas. I can't ever say enough about how the specialness of newborn sessions. It's such a sweet and fleeting time in a family's life and I'm always so honored to be asked to capture the makeup of a new family.

We had such a wonderful afternoon together, baby Lucas was as sweet as he could be and I loved getting to chat with his mom and dad during our breaks. I've known Danyella and her family for several years and they are such great people. I've met Wes a couple times so enjoyed this chance to get to know him and Danyella as a couple. They are already such great parents, Lucas is so lucky to have them! 

Thank you so much, M family, for inviting me to photograph your beautiful newborn baby boy and new family of three:)  I wish you nights full of sleep and days full of joy! You have so many fun times ahead of you with sweet Lucas. 

sweet sixteen photos | Johns Creek Senior Photographer

Caroline is sixteen! I can't believe I've known this beautiful girl since she was just 8 years old. She has been telling me about how much she wanted to do a photo session for a while, but her mom secretly contacted me and we planned a sweet sixteen photo shoot!

We met in downtown Roswell on the evening of her birthday. I had so much fun with Caroline and her mom and thought she was a perfect model. I think you will too, after seeing her images.

Thank you so much, Haley, for asking me to do Caroline's sweet sixteen photos. What a great surprise for your well deserving girl! 
